Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Marzipan Recipe

Resep Homemade Marzipan by Afi (ijin CoPas yaaa..)

Bahan :
  • 150 grm Almon bubuk
  • 150 grm Gula halus
  • 1 Butir Putih telur
  • 1 sdt Air Jeruk lemon
  • Essen almon secukupnya
Cara membuat :

  1. Campur almon dan gula halus, aduk rata
  2. Tambahkan putih telur, aduk menggunakan sendok kayu hingga rata
  3. Tambahkan air jeruk & essen, aduk hingga lembut. diamkan beberapa saat di dalam lemari pendingin
  4. Adonan siap dibentuk
NB :
Mungkin agak lebih tahan. Nggak kayak fondant yang akan berubah bentuk di suhu lembab / panas / mendung.

resep Marzipan yang dari buku Cakes and Bakes 500

Silahkan ditranslate sendiri ya.... :)

Marzipan ( Makes 450 gr )
  • 225 gr ground almonds
  • 115 gr caster sugar ( superfine )
  • 115 gr icing sugar ( confectioners )
  • 5 ml/1 tsp lemon juice
  • a few drops of almond ectract
  • 1 egg white
How to :
  1. Stir the ground almonds and sugars together in a bowl until evenly mixed. Make a well in the centre and add the lemon juice, almond extract and enough egg white to mix to a soft but firm dough, using a wooden spoon.
  2. Form the marzipan into a ball. Lightly dust a surface with icing sugar and knead the marzipan until smooth. Wrap in clear film ( plastic wrap ) or store in a plastic bag until needed. Tint with food colouring if required.

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