This post about one of the snacks should be available at least once a week for my beloved family looohh ... Chocolate lovers ... gitu loch kikikikik
But I'm so sorry yaa my friends, this time IbuMamah can not pull out a special recipe that is ... sssstttt ... sdikit SECRET gitu loch ... ^_*
Eeeehhh ... but if you curious with the recipe details, please do send me an email yaaa ..
Eeeehhh ... but if you curious with the recipe details, please do send me an email yaaa ..
Well meantime, please just enjoy the pictures ...
Bytheway, texture & taste of Rich Brownies IbuMamah DewiNik style kitchen is very, very moist and really chocolate. Very, very recommended for chocolate lovers.
Bytheway, texture & taste of Rich Brownies IbuMamah DewiNik style kitchen is very, very moist and really chocolate. Very, very recommended for chocolate lovers.
Salam Chocolates...
Halau DewiNik,,salam kenal dari Dede Thea.saya sudah baca blognya wuiih cuantik sekali,,,saya jadi tertarik untuk mengikuti your blog,and kalau boleh ijinkan saya untuk menjadi follower for your blog.tapi saya juga DewiNIK UNTUK SINGGAH AT MY BLOG,siapa tahu ada yang bermamfa'at getoo.oh ya saya ucapkan terimakasih kalau DewiNik juga bersedia menjadi follower for my blog,demikian terimakasih,Salam persahabatan,